PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk ("AMI")’s governance structure refers to the applicable regulatory provisions, including Law number 40 of 2007 on Limited-liability Companies and each of its amendments, additions, and/or modifications, and the Circular Letter of the Financial Services Authority number 32/SEOJK.04/2015 on the Governance Guideline for Limited-liability Companies to ensure effective Good Corporate Governance (“GCG”) implementation through clear segregation of roles, tasks, and responsibilities. AMI’s corporate organs consist of General Meetings of Shareholders (“GMS”), the Board of Commissioners, and the Board of Directors, and supported by other supporting organs under the Board of Commissioners, and the Board of Directors. The structure of AMI’s governance organs is presented below.
The monitoring and management functions within AMI’s governance structure consist of implementation of sustainability aspects. Within the context, the Board of Commissioners acts as the supervisor to provide recommendations for the Board of Directors. The performance of sustainability governance function is currently under the responsibility of the Board of Directors, who plays an important role in making decisions concerning ESG, and collaborates with the Sustainability Management Committee of the AlamTri Group to monitor the sustainability practices, including the development, approval, and renewal associated with SDGs’ achievement at AMI. The committee regularly holds discussions on ESG issues at the AlamTri Group, including at AMI, which are subsequently reported to the associated boards of directors or divisions.
AMI also has a task force at its subsidiary to pursue the achievement of its NZE target in 2060 or earlier, calculate emissions, and coordinate with the Sustainability Management Committee and various ESG-related departments to achieve the emission reduction targets. This task force is led by a director, who can convey the ESG issues in BoD meetings. In its development stage, this task force conducts regular meetings to discuss the management of the impacts on the economy, environment, and social within AMI’s operational site.
AMI strives to apply good corporate governance. By adopting the four corporate governance pillars of Indonesian Corporate Governance General Guideline 2021: ethical conducts, accountability, transparency, and sustainability. These four corporate governance pillars have been the company’s principle and guideline for creating benefits to all of its stakeholders.
The application of good corporate governance is represented by the company’s various governance guidelines, such as Code of Conduct, Charter of the Board of Commissioners, Charter of the Board of Directors, Charter of Audit Committee, Charter of Internal Audit, and other policies supporting consistent and sustainable GCG application.
AMI, as a part of the AlamTri Group, also consistently supports, commits to, and implements the ten principles of United Nations Global Compact within its entire operations and business strategies. This has been performed to achieve SDGs, in particular in the areas of human rights, employment, environment, and anti-corruption acts.