PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk ("AMI") considers Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) aspects in every business and operation activities. AMI’s commitment in protecting the environment and improving its disclosure through continuous implementation of sustainable initiatives is demonstrated through good mining practices and environmental protection along with strong governance and corporate social responsibility.



Our Values

To support our vision to be a leading Indonesian mining company, we conduct our business in a sustainable manner to address and manage our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) risks. We integrate ESG into our operations and are committed to actively contributing to shaping a sustainable future. To enhance our performance in operating business, we commit to the Adaro Values of IMORE values, which stands for Integrity, Meritocracy, Openness, Respect, and Excellence.


Code of Conduct

At AMI, we have a code of conduct that is applicable to all our employees. It sets out the principles and behaviors in interacting with stakeholders in an equitable manner which covers our values:

  • How the company and everyone within the company and subsidiaries must comply with the law as well as Good Corporate Governance (GCG) principles; and

  • How everyone within the company must interact with various stakeholders including shareholders, customers, suppliers, communities, creditors, and/or other employees.


Anti-corruption and Fraud Policy

AMI has made a commitment to upholding the Anti-Corruption Policy as outlined in Law No. 20 of 2001 on Amendment to Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption. One of these commitments is carried out by strengthening and perfecting AMI's general internal controls to enhance fraud and corruption prevention measures like detection, inquiry, reporting, and evaluation.

All AMI employees have a responsibility to avoid insider trading, corruption, and fraud in accordance with the corporate value of "Integrity". The AMI Code of Conduct and the bylaws for the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners both contain this duty.


Whistleblowing System

AMI has a whistleblowing system to report any fraud or wrongdoings occurred in the work environment, either anonymously or non-anonymously through independent communication channels professionally managed by Deloitte.

Further information regarding AMI’s Whistleblowing System is in the following link.


Conflict of Interest

At AMI, we avoid conducting any transaction that has the potential to engender conflicts of interest with the company. Anyone who has been or wishes to be involved in or become a member of the management, supervisor, or shareholder of a business entity which is a direct competitor and/or supplier of the Company that has potential to engender any conflict of interest with AMI must obtain an approval from AMI’s Board of Directors.

Each Board of Commissiors or Board of Directors member must report all potential conflicts of interest (if any) to all other members immediately after they identify such potential conflicts of interest. In the event of any conflict of interest, the Commissioner or Director of concern does not have the voting right to make decisions on the matters associated with the transactions containing the conflict of interest.



Integrating ESG into our operations requires holistic considerations of topics that are material to our business. AMI has identified material topics that represent our most significant impacts on the economy, environment, and people. We utilized guidance from the established Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI) standards to analyze and define our material topics. From the assessment process, AMI established 15 material topics that are considered high priority for both internal and external stakeholders.


We committed to concentrating more of our efforts on managing the material topics designated as "high priority". These topics are included in our ESG strategy framework.



As a part of Adaro Group, we develop our ESG strategy framework to holistically encompass and tackle all our material ESG topics. This framework could be the medium for our stakeholders to understand AMI’s strategy in ESG.


Sustainability Vision

Our commitment to sustainability drives how we handle business. AMI is committed to managing our ESG subjects and problems, with the UN SDGs as the driving force behind this. We shape our ESG initiatives with the following vision in mind:

“To lead with purpose towards a sustainable future”


Sustainability Mission

  1. Implement best practice GHG and energy management

  2. Maintain low environmental pollution throughout our operations

  3. Achieve zero occupational health and safety-related (OHS) incidents

  4. Secure long-term value for our stakeholders

  5. Support the professional and personal development of our human capital

  6. Manage and implement corporate social responsibility programs to support local community development


Sustainability Strategy

The general strategies applied to achieve sustainability vision are:

  1. Work in an inclusive manner, i.e., designate the community as a strategic partner and embrace all community groups.

  2. Uphold local wisdom so that the program is implemented according to needs, utilizing the potential of the community, and not conflicting with positive values that already exist in the community.

  3. Build multi-party partnerships.

  4. Geared to the principle of sustainability through capacity-building and institutional strengthening.

  5. Ensure that the CSR program is carried out transparently, accountably, effectively, and efficiently.

  6. Knowledge-sharing through local and national media.

  7. Diversification to green economy and initiate carbon reduction journey.


The integration of ESG into AMI’s operations reaffirms the company’s commitment to contribute to creating a sustainable future.



AMI is committed to sustainable development and has established a range of policies and commitments to ensure that it operates in a socially responsible, environmentally sustainable, and economically viable manner. We understand that AMI plays an important role through our program to support the following goals.

AMI has recognized Presidential Regulation No. 59 of 2017 on “The Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals” which asserts the need for the formulation of a National Action Plan (RAN) and Regional Action Plan (RAD) for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The regulation determined the number of targets of the national development goals according to objectives in the SDGs.

To support the national agenda on sustainable development, AMI has developed a comprehensive sustainability program that outlines our commitment to sustainable development.



As a part of Adaro group, AMI fully supports the Indonesian government’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, including measures to achieve net-zero emissions (NZE) by 2060 or earlier, through various measures. AMI has calculated the GHG emissions produced by our operational activities (scope 1 and scope 2) and continues to conduct GHG emission reduction / sequestration measures.

These measures are in alignment with Adaro Group’s internal transition targets by 2030. This target will be achieved by expanding our business in areas that support Indonesia’s green economy, including the development of an aluminum smelter, exploring opportunities in various green mineral products, and expanding the markets for metallurgical coal – an essential material for steel production.

In addressing its commitment for sustainable development, AMI through PT Maruwai Coal has implemented an integrated management system policy addressing these topics: environmental, occupational health and safety, energy, and greenhouse gas (GHG). The commitment is reflected here (original policy signed in Indonesian).


Adaro’s ESG Strategy Framework

Adaro Group’s ESG Strategy Framework was formulated to identify, address, and manage ESG risks through ESG three components: environment, social and governance. The focuses and priorities for these three components are based on the materiality and relevance to the business. The ESG Strategy Framework also includes “enablers”, or the measures set as the bases of the Adaro’s ESG roadmap, programs, and initiatives. In line with the current global trend, among Adaro Group’s priorities, the focus is GHG emissions and energy performance management.


Sustainability Reports

Release Date

Document Title


22 April 2024

Sustainability Report 2023


18 April 2023

Sustainability Report 2022


4 April 2022

Sustainability Report 2021
