

On the social aspect, PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk ("AMI") has set a commitment to creating positive impacts for both the internal and external parties. For the internal party, the company ensures a safe and comfortable workplace for the employees by implementing proper OHS, offering equal opportunity, and preventing discrimination against the employees. As its responsibility to the external parties, the company carries out empowerment programs for the communities within its operational sites.


Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

AMI’s OHS target and goal are zero accident on the lagging indicators that consist of fatality, mild and severe lost time injuries (LTIs), occupational diseases, and first-aid cases. For managing the OHS aspects and achieving the set target and goal, the company refers to the regulations imposed by the AlamTri Group and the regulatory bodies.

AMI assess the mineral and coal’s Mining Safety Management System by referring to OHS Management Standard, Environmental Management Standard, and Technical Guideline for Health, Safety, Security, and Environment of the AlamTri Group. MC has obtained ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Standard and ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Standard.

The company’s OHS roles and responsibilities are:

  1. Ensuring compliance with the applicable OHSE statutory rules and the policies, standards, and technical guidelines imposed by the AlamTri Group.

  2. Effectively developing competencies to support the achievement of its goals and objectives.

  3. Continuously developing OHSE management programs to get its performance to achieve the set goals and objectives.

  4. Developing OHSE management program based on the main OHS risks and crucial impacts on the environment.

  5. Ensuring that AZAM (Adaro Zero Accident Mindset) is well instilled among all employees and the employees of the contractors.

  6. Performing the monitoring and coaching on all contractors to enhance OHSE performance from time to time.

  7. Developing and implementing continuous improvement programs.

In the process to identify hazards and control risks, the company involves the identification of all activities and sub-activities performed by all work units. Performance is continuously monitored and necessary improvements in OHS program implementation are determined, such as the formation of an investigation team consisting of the job safety analysis (JSA) experts tasked to identify hazards and control risks before the team sets out to perform investigation, in addition to facts gathering and analysis on the root causes of the problems. The investigation team is also responsible for providing recommendations on result oriented and measurable corrective actions, and ensuring that those actions fulfil the SMARTER (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound, Evaluated, dan Reviewed) principle.

AMI encourages the participation and involvement of all employees and the employees of its contractors and vendors to build strong safety culture within the workplace, and assures protection on the reporting of actions jeopardizing occupational health and safety and environment as stated in the the AlamTri Group’s policy document of the Integrated Management System version 6.

Employees are also involved in OHS implementation through training. The company provides online learning facility through Adaro Learning Management System (ALMS). The program has the objective to ensure that OHSE personnel of each subsidiary within the AlamTri Group fulfils the group’s minimum standard for OHSE competencies. The program consists of self training by each participant, which will be assessed online by the assessors. The participants who meet the passing criteria for each component will receive a certificate online.


Inclusion and Diversity

AMI always provides equal opportunities to all individuals according to their capability and skills. The company applies the non-discrimination principle, which is in line with the “Respect” component of the company values, i.e. carrying good attitude toward others and avoiding the use of harsh language, treating everybody with respect and appreciating differences, and demonstrating respect toward others by listening with full attention.

At AMI, there is no different treatment based on ethnicity, religion, race, group, and gender. This represents the company’s commitment to inclusion and diversity. In the implementation, AMI complies with Law number 21 of 1999 on the Ratification of International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 111 Concerning Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation.

AMI also recognizes and respects human rights by referring to the human right principle as stated in Law number 39 of 1999 on Human Rights (including each of its amendments), and the International Labour Organization (ILO) convention administering the principal instruments of human rights ratified by Indonesia, in particular those related with the eradication of forced labor, prohibition against child labor, equal wages, anti discrimination, and the freedom to conduct collective negotiation in the workplace.


Community Empowerment

For the external parties, AMI conducts local community empowerment and participates in SDGs achievement through the AlamTri Group’s flagship CSR programs called “Adaro Ignites Change”. The programs have been designed with five focused areas that play significant roles in the society, i.e. education, economy, health, culture, and environment.

As a business entity championing sustainability values, AMI implements CSR activities in the forms of Community Development and Empowerment Programs and environmental conservation programs. The CSR activities are the concrete form of responsibility fulfilment to all stakeholders around the operational areas.

CSR programs are designed by referring to the AlamTri Group’s CSR pillars to ensure the alignment with the group’s CSR vision and missions. The AlamTri Group’s mission toward community empowerment has addressed the eight pillars of community development and empowerment programs stated in the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources number 1824 K/30/MEM/2018 of 2018 on Implementation Guideline for Community Development and Empowerment.

The following are the AlamTri Group’s CSR vision, missions, and strategies:


The realization of a prosperous, intelligent, and self-reliant mining community within a sustainable environment.


  • Empowering the community inclusively based on local potentials and needs towards a characterful, productive, and self-developing society.

  • Supporting the sustainability of operations by building and strengthening community-based institutions as agents of change in education, economy, health, sociocultural, and environmental fields.

  • Establishing partnerships with stakeholders, both locally and nationally.

  • Supporting government priority programs implemented in the Company’s operational areas.


  • Conducting social mapping to identify issues, challenges, opportunities, and socio-economic potentials in the surrounding environment.

  • Formulating the Master Plan for Community Development Programs, Work Plans and Budgets, and drafting CSR Program and Budget Plans.

  • Collecting initial data/information, developing program frameworks and activity approval frameworks.

  • Developing and implementing program guidelines.

  • Providing regular mentoring and monitoring, as well as conducting evaluations to enhance the effectiveness of program delivery.