PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk (the “Company”) applies the principles of Good Corporate Governance and Adaro Values consistently across all activities conducted to optimize the achievement of the company goals and the application of Adaro Values for the benefits of all stakeholders, as well as preventing the actions which may harm the company.
Accordingly, the employees and other stakeholders are requested to contribute proactively by reporting to the Company through the “Adaro Values Line” in the event that they find any action or potential action with regards to the following:
Adaro Values Line is an independent violation reporting system professionally managed by Deloitte provided by the Company to report any fraud or wrongdoings in the work environment, either anonymously or non-anonymously through the following communication channels:
You are all requested to report any findings in relation to the above matters through Adaro Values Line. Don't turn a blind eye, don't keep silent. Let us ensure that Adaro is a workplace that upholds integrity.