The Board of Commissioners (“BoC”) is a company’s organ which is responsible for performing general and/or specific supervision in accordance with the company’s Articles of Association, providing advice to the Board of Directors, as well as ensuring effective implementation of the company’s GCG.
Board of Commissioners Charter
The BoC has carried out duties, responsibilities, and authorities in accordance with the BoC Charter. BoC Charter is a company document incorporated to manifest the BoC’s commitment and to serve as the BoC’s guidelines for applying the GCG. The guidelines are in-line with the company’s Articles of Association, the GCG principles, as well as all applicable rules and regulations.
The BoC Charter has been effective since 2022 and it is reviewed periodically according to GCG principles, capital market rules and regulations, and other applicable provisions.
Download Board of Commissioners Charter.
Diversity and inclusion are essential parts of the company. This is in line with AlamTri Group’s Meritocracy and Respect values in IMORE, which requires everyone to treat one another with respect, appreciate differences, and gives equal opportunities.
In the nomination process for members of the BoC, the company does not differentiate any gender, race, ethnicity, nationality or cultural background. Upon appointment and while serving, members of the BoC are required to fulfil legal requirements as well as competency and independence requirements.
Legal requirements include possessing good character, moral and integrity; legally competent; committed to comply with laws and regulations; and possessing the knowledge and/or expertise needed by the company. Meanwhile, competency and independence requirements include demonstrating good behavior, experience and competence necessary for performing duties and other qualifications as determined in the applicable laws and regulations and the Articles of Association; appointed based on considerations of expertise, integrity, leadership, experience, honesty, good behavior, and strong dedication to improve and develop the company; and carrying out duties without any conflict of interests.
The nomination process for members of the Board of Commissioners is stated in the BoC Charter.
Board of Commissioners Composition
The composition and number of the BoC members are determined by the GMS by considering the company’s condition and the diversity of BoC members’ skills, knowledge, and experience. The recommendations or proposals for the appointment and/or replacement of BoC members to GMS shall be made by AMI’s Nomination and Remuneration function, whose roles are carried out by the BoC.
The BoC of AMI consists of six members: four representatives of major shareholders and two independent commissioners. This composition is in accordance with the Articles of Association, Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 33/POJK.04/2014 concerning Directors and Board of Commissioners of Issuers or Public Companies (“POJK 33/2014”), as well as the BoC Charter, which stipulates that at least 30% of the members of the Board of Commissioners are Independent Commissioners. In accordance with POJK 33/2014, Independent Commissioners must meet the following requirements:
- Not a person working or having authority and responsibility to plan, lead, control, or supervise the company’s activities within the last 6 (six) months, except for the reappointment as the Company’s independent commissioner for the next term of office;
- Not holding the company’s shares directly or indirectly;
- Not having an affiliation relationship with any member of the BoC, BoD and major shareholders of the company; and
- Not having any business relationship with the company directly or indirectly.
Currently, none of PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk’s BoC members hold a position as director or commissioner in more than two other public companies. This practice complies with the provision of POJK 33/2014 and PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk’s BoC Charter.
Composition of the BoC of PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk is as follows:

58 as at 31 December 2023
Education History
- Bachelor of Business Administration, University of Southern California, USA
- Master’s of Business Administration, Northrop University, California, USA
Legal Basis of Appointment at PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk
Deed of Declaration of Shareholders’ Decision Number 4 dated September 1, 2021
Career History
- Founder, PT Wahana Ottomitra Multiartha (1997)
- President Director, PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk
- President Director, PT Adaro Strategic Investments
- President Director, PT Adaro Strategic Lestari
- President Director, PT Adaro Strategic Capital
- President Commissioner, PT Viscaya Investments
- President Commissioner, PT Dianlia Setyamukti
- Steering Committee, Adaro Bangun Negeri Foundation
- President Commissioner, PT Alam Tri Abadi
- President Commissioner, PT Alam Tri Bangun Indonesia
- President Commissioner, PT Alam Tri Daya Indonesia
- President Commissioner, PT Adaro Indonesia
- President Commissioner, PT Bhakti Energi Persada
- President Commissioner, PT Maruwai Coal
- President Commissioner, PT Kalteng Coal
- President Commissioner, PT Sumber Barito Coal
- President Commissioner, PT Juloi Coal
- President Commissioner, PT Lahai Coal
- President Commissioner, PT Ratah Coal
- President Commissioner, PT Pari Coal
- President Commissioner, PT Mustika Indah Permai
- President Commissioner, PT Adaro Power
- President Commissioner, PT Adaro Persada Mandiri
- President Commissioner, PT Agri Multi Lestari
- President Commissioner, PT Rehabilitasi Lingkungan Indonesia
- President Commissioner, PT Cakra Wana Lestari
- President Commissioner, PT Mandiri Wana Lestari
- President Commissioner, PT Persada Wana Lestari
- President Commissioner, PT Adaro Tirta Mandiri
- President Commissioner, PT Adaro Clean Energy Indonesia
- President Commissioner, PT Wahana Artha Harsaka
- President Commissioner, PT Trinugraha Food Industry
- Director, PT Trinugraha Thohir
- Commissioner, PT GoTo Gojek Tokopedia Tbk (formerly PT Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa)
- President Commissioner, PT Puncak Emas Tani Sejahtera
- President Commissioner, Padangbara Sukses Makmur
- President Commissioner, PT Pani Bersama Tambang
- President Commissioner, PT Indoprima Niaga Sejahtera
Affiliated Relationship
Affiliated with the controlling shareholder of the Company.

56 as at 31 December 2023
Education History
- Bachelor’s degree in Law, University of Indonesia, Indonesia
- Master’s of Laws (LLM), University of Washington, USA
Legal Basis of Appointment at PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk
Deed of Declaration of Shareholders’ Decision Number 4 dated September 1, 2021
Career History
- Lawyer, Minang, Warman, Sofyan SH & Associates
- Lawyer, Lubis, Ganie & Surowidjojo
- Director and Chief Legal Officer, PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk
- Director, PT Alam Tri Abadi
- Director, PT Alam Tri Bangun Indonesia
- Commissioner, PT Alam Tri Cakra Indonesia
- Director, PT Alam Tri Daya Indonesia
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Indonesia
- Commissioner, PT Paramitha Cipta Sarana
- Commissioner, PT Semesta Centramas
- Commissioner, PT Laskar Semesta Alam
- Commissioner, PT Maruwai Coal
- Commissioner, PT Kalteng Coal
- Commissioner, PT Sumber Barito Coal
- Commissioner, PT Juloi Coal
- Commissioner, PT Lahai Coal
- Commissioner, PT Ratah Coal
- Commissioner, PT Mustika Indah Permai
- Commissioner, PT Saptaindra Sejati
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Jasabara Indonesia
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Mining Technologies
- President Commissioner, PT Adaro Logistics
- President Commissioner, PT Indonesia Bulk Terminal
- President Commissioner, PT Puradika Bongkar Muat Makmur
- President Commissioner, PT Maritim Barito Perkasa
- President Commissioner, PT Harapan Bahtera Internusa
- Commissioner, PT Barito Galangan Nusantara
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Power
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Persada Mandiri
- Commissioner, PT Agri Multi Lestari
- Commissioner, PT Rehabilitasi Lingkungan Indonesia
- President Commissioner, PT Alam Sukses Lestari
- President Commissioner, PT Hutan Amanah Lestari
- Commissioner, PT Cakra Wana Lestari
- Commissioner, PT Mandiri Wana Lestari
- Commissioner, PT Persada Wana Lestari
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Tirta Mandiri
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Clean Energy
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Baterai Indonesia
- Director, Adaro International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
- Director, Adaro Capital Ltd.
- Director, Kestrel Coal Resources Pty. Ltd.
- Director, Kestrel Coal Group Pty. Ltd.
- Director, Adaro Australia Pty. Ltd.
Affiliated Relationship
Affiliated with the controlling shareholder of the Company.

60 as at 31 December 2023
Education History
Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering, National Institute of Science and Technology, Indonesia.
Legal Basis of Appointment at PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk
Deed of Statement of Meeting Decision Number 13 dated May 14, 2024
Career History
- Marketing Director, PT Astra Honda Motor, 2009
- Human Resources Director, PT Astra Honda Motor, 2007
- Human Resources Director, PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk, 2006
- Human Resources Director, PT Bank Permata Tbk, 2004
- Corporate Human Resources Chief, PT Astra International Tbk, 2001
- Management Trainee, PT Astra International Tbk
- Director, PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk.
- Commissioner, PT Alam Tri Abadi
- Commissioner, PT Alam Tri Bangun Indonesia
- Director, PT Alam Tri Cakra Indonesia
- Commissioner, PT Alam Tri Daya Indonesia
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Indonesia
- Commissioner, PT Maruwai Coal
- Commissioner, PT Kalteng Coal
- Commissioner, PT Sumber Barito Coal
- Commissioner, PT Juloi Coal
- Commissioner, PT Lahai Coal
- Commissioner, PT Ratah Coal
- President Commissioner, PT Saptaindra Sejati
- President Commissioner, PT Adaro Jasabara Indonesia
- President Commissioner, PT Adaro Mining Technologies
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Logistics
- Commissioner, PT Indonesia Bulk Terminal
- Commissioner, PT Puradika Bongkar Muat Makmur
- Commissioner, PT Maritim Barito Perkasa
- Commissioner, PT Harapan Bahtera Internusa
- Commissioner, PT Barito Galangan Nusantara
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Power
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Indo Aluminium
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Baterai Indonesia
Affiliated Relationship
Affiliated with the controlling shareholder of the Company.

54 as at 31 December 2023
Education History
- Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Atma Jaya Catholic University, Indonesia
Legal Basis of Appointment at PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk
Deed of Declaration of Shareholders’ Decision Number 4 dated September 1, 2021
Career History
- Auditor, Public Accounting Firm Prasetio, Utomo & Co
- Chief Financial Officer, PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk
- Director, PT Alam Tri Abadi
- Director, PT Alam Tri Bangun Indonesia
- Director, PT Alam Tri Daya Indonesia
- Director, PT Viscaya Investments
- Director, PT Dianlia Setyamukti
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Indonesia
- Commissioner, PT Paramitha Cipta Sarana
- Commissioner, PT Semesta Centramas
- Commissioner, PT Laskar Semesta Alam
- Commissioner, PT Maruwai Coal
- Commissioner, PT Kalteng Coal
- Commissioner, PT Sumber Barito Coal
- Commissioner, PT Juloi Coal
- Commissioner, PT Lahai Coal
- Commissioner, PT Ratah Coal
- Commissioner, PT Saptaindra Sejati
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Jasabara Indonesia
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Mining Technologies
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Logistics
- Commissioner, PT Sarana Daya Mandiri
- Commissioner, PT Maritim Barito Perkasa
- Commissioner, PT Harapan Bahtera Internusa
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Power
- Commissioner, PT Kaltara Power Indonesia
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Persada Mandiri
- Commissioner, PT Agri Multi Lestari
- Commissioner, PT Rehabilitasi Lingkungan Indonesia
- Commissioner, PT Cakra Wana Lestari
- Commissioner, PT Mandiri Wana Lestari
- Commissioner, PT Persada Wana Lestari
- Commissioner, PT Adaro Tirta Mandiri
- Commissioner, PT Kalimantan Aluminium Industry
- Director, Adaro Capital Ltd.
- Director, Adaro Australia Pty. Ltd.
Affiliated Relationship
Affiliated with the controlling shareholder of the Company.

69 as at 31 December 2023
Education History
- Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
- Master’s degree in Business Administration, School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
Legal Basis of Appointment at PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk
Deed of Declaration of Shareholders’ Decision Number 4 dated September 1, 2021
Career History
- Supply Chain Director, PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk (2003 – 2009)
- President Director, PT Adaro Power (2012-2019)
- President Director, PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (2014-2016)
- President Commissioner, PT Makmur Sejahtera Wisesa (2016-2019)
- President Commissioner, PT Tanjung Power Indonesia (2017-2019)
- President Commissioner, PT Bhimasena Power Indonesia (2016-August 2021)
- Independent Commissioner, PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk.
- Head Trustee, Adaro Bangun Negeri Foundation
Affiliated relationship
No affiliated relationship with other Commissioners, Board of Directors, nor the controlling shareholder of the Company.

64 as at 31 December 2023
Education History
Krisnadwipayana University, Indonesia
Legal Basis of Appointment at PT Adaro Minerals Indonesia Tbk
Deed of Declaration of Shareholders’ Decision Number 4 dated September 1, 2021
Career History
- Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Kenya, Seychelles, Mauritius, Uganda, UNEP and UN Habitat.
- Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia
- Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the United States of America
- Independent Commissioner, PT Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk.
- Trustee, Adaro Bangun Negeri Foundation
- Independent Commissioner, PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk
Affiliated Relationship
No affiliated relationship with other Commissioners, Board of Directors, nor the controlling shareholder of the Company.